Sunday, October 5, 2008

Review: CannonGame

CannonGame -- FREE --8/10

Bottom Line: This application is an addictive shooter game free from the AppStore. The controls are very simple and take advantage of the touch screen. On both ends of your screen is scroll wheels for "Elevation", left & "Velocity", right side of the screen. A plus to the game is that is free and free only, meaning you get all of the levels. The sound affects are really annoying, and I mostly keep my speaker quiet. The object of the game is to adjust the settings and shoot targets with a missal. As you get farther in the game, the levels get more dificult. CannonGame held its spot on iTunes top 10 for a long period of time, which explains most of the app.

My Opinions: CannonGame is like I said, addictive. It can get a bit boring after multiple uses, but its not a big deal because its free. Buy it. If you like it, great :)


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Review: Pocket Guitar

Pocket Guitar -- $0.99 -- 7/10

Bottom Line: This game is mixed emotions with me. The great part about it is it is only $.99, which at the time I bought it because it was a great alternative to "Band", which was $5.99. If you go to the App Store now, you can find "Band" for $1.99 making it a dollar more than Pocket Guitar. Back to the review, this App is a hit for a guitarist, bassist, etc. I like that how the game comes with about 6 types of instruments including: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass, etc. The game also comes with tuning tools and added effects such as distortion.

My Opinion: Pocket Guitar is great for the basic guitar needs. If you play or want to play, go for it! All you have to do is ask yourself, for a dollar more, should I get MooCow Band?

More Reviews To Come!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Review: Cro-Mag Rally

Cro-Mag Rally -- $1.99 -- 8/10

Bottom Line: This game is pretty fun, and for less than $2, its a great knockoff of Mario Kart. The game uses the accelerometer to steer, but there is a button you have to keep your finger on the whole game, which gets a bit annoying. For a few dollars more, you can try out Crash Bandicoot Nitro 3D. The game has a few errors every once in awhile, such as the menu freezes, or the sensitivity goes wacko, but these are minor flaws. The app was originally $9.99, then it dropped to $5.99, but is currently $1.99.

My Opinion:
A great game for a great price! Can get a bit boring, but many courses/karts to choose from. Buy it right now from the iTunes Store!

More Reviews To Come!



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